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Introduction of Python

Introduction Of PYthon

Introduction Of Python

What exactly is Python?

Python is one of the most widely used programming languages. Guido van Rossum created it, and it was released in 1991.

It is employed for the following purposes:

growth of the internet (server-side),

development of software mathematics,

Scripting for the operating system

What does Python have to offer?

Python can be used to construct web apps on a server.

Python can be used to develop workflows in conjunction with other tools.

Python has the ability to connect to database systems. It also has the ability to read and change files.

Python may be used to work with large amounts of data and conduct complex calculations.

Python can be used for rapid prototyping as well as creation of production-ready software.

What makes Python so special?

Python can be used on a variety of platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc).

Python has a basic grammar that is similar to that of English.

Python offers a syntax that enables programmers to write code.

Compared to other programming languages, it has less lines.

Python is an interpreter language, which means that code can be run as soon as it is written. As a result, prototyping can be done relatively quickly.

Python can be approached in three ways: procedural, object-oriented, and functional.

It's good to know.

Python 3 is the most recent major version of Python, which we will use in this course. Python 2, on the other hand, is still highly popular, despite the fact that it is only updated with security upgrades.

Python will be written in a text editor in this session. Python can be written in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), such as Thonny, Pycharm, Netbeans, or Eclipse, which is especially handy for managing huge volumes of data.

Python scripts.

When comparing Python syntax to those of other computer languages,

Python was created with readability in mind, and it bears some resemblance to the English language, with a mathematical flavour.

In contrast to other programming languages, Python employs new lines to complete commands, rather than semicolons or parentheses.

Indentation and whitespace are used in Python to describe scope, such as the scope of loops, functions, and classes. Curly brackets are commonly used in other computer languages for this reason.

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