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QuickBooks Error 6143: A Comprehensive Guide to Fix It

QuickBooks Error 6143

When trying to open this file, you might encounter QuickBooks error 6143 that occurs when the company file is corrupted.

QuickBooks company file is an important component that stores crucial data regarding QB desktop. However, when trying to open this file, you might encounter QuickBooks error 6143 that occurs when the company file is corrupted. Despite basic troubleshooting attempts, resolving this error may require advanced file repair tools.

While QuickBooks' validate and rebuild data tool can address the company file damage, it may inadvertently trigger Error 6143. This database validation error typically arises during company file access or upgrades. In this blog, we are discussing the possible reasons and the suitable fixes for this error; here’s how you can do it.

What Causes Error Code 6143 in QuickBooks?

QuickBooks error code 6143 can emerge when opening a company file due to diverse causes. It's crucial to conserve the system against these dangers to stop data loss and errors.

  • One such reason is the omission of Windows system files or corruption in Windows registry entries. These problems can disrupt the proper functioning of QuickBooks, leading to error 6143. It's important to address these underlying Windows system subjects to prevent the replication of the error and assure the smooth function of QuickBooks without disruptions.
  • A virus or malware attack can harshly influence the virtue of a QuickBooks company file, leading to breakdown or damage. Such conditions can compromise the safety and functionality of the file, resulting in errors like QuickBooks error 6143.

Stepwise Solutions to Troubleshoot QuickBooks Desktop Error 6143

To troubleshoot QuickBooks warning message error 6143, go through these steps. By following these solutions, you can diagnose and address the QuickBooks warning 6143 effectively, ensuring the smooth operation of the software.

Solution 1: Start a Sample Company File

Start by opening a sample company file on your workstation. This helps determine if the issue lies with the company file or the application itself. If the sample file opens without error, the problem may be with your company file. If you encounter the same error with the sample file, it suggests a damaged QuickBooks installation, requiring repair. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the No Company Open window and choose the ‘Sample Company File’ option.
  2. Then select a sample company file from this list.
  3. If this sample company file opens then this issue might be specific for your QuickBooks desktop only.
  4. However, if this file doesn't open and you see error 6143 then you must attempt to repair the installation folder of QuickBooks.

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Solution 2: Log in to QuickBooks as an Administrator

Inadequate settings within QuickBooks can lead to restrictions on various features, resulting in QuickBooks error 6143 when opening a company file. Granting administrative privileges to QuickBooks can resolve this issue by allowing the software to run necessary programs.

  1. Move the cursor to the Start menu and then look for the QuickBooks option.
  2. On the QuickBooks icon, you can click right and then choose ‘Run as administrator' from the menu.
  3. Now click on ‘Yes’ to confirm the permission.
  4. Now you can start the QuickBooks desktop again to fix the problem.


In conclusion, resolving QuickBooks error 6143 is crucial to ensure the smooth operation of your accounting software. The steps outlined in this post offer effective troubleshooting methods. However, if you still encounter difficulties or have questions, our QuickBooks Support Team is readily available to assist you.

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