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Building ML Feature Lake

Highlighting use-case of two popular software, apache spark, delta lake and PrestoDB for building a reliable, scalable, fast, versatile data storage for large scale enterprise data for Machine Learning use cases.

I have been a very avid user of open source software. Today, I am highlighting use-case of two popular software, apache spark, delta lake and PrestoDB for building a reliable, scalable, fast, versatile data storage for large scale enterprise data for Machine Learning use cases.

Understanding use case

There is need for a growing enterprise ML Team for a storage system that can be used storing cleaned feature data generated from streaming or batch jobs over raw fact data.

Traditionally we were using cloud providers like Google Cloud, AWS data warehouses like BigQuery, RedShift respectively.

However, there are major challenges with data warehouses, such as

  • data staleness,
  • reliability,
  • total cost of ownership,
  • data lock-in,
  • and limited use-case support.

Below is an excerpt from the official site

Delta Lake is an open-source storage framework that enables building a Lakehouse architecture with compute engines including Spark, PrestoDB, Flink, Trino, and Hive and APIs for Scala, Java, Rust, Ruby, and Python.

One can read in more detail about delta lake through the research paper or website.

High level design representation

Setting up feature lake

Idea is to configure a multi-region, highly available bucket on top of any popular and cheap cloud storage like

Set up Apache Spark cluster in standalone or cluster mode.

I have created a python client package that support delta lake CRUD operation.

Setting up PrestoDB

PrestoDB comes in picture as a SQL engine on top of our feature store built upon delta lake.

Presto is an open source distributed SQL query engine for running interactive analytic queries against data sources of all sizes ranging from gigabytes to petabytes.

One can take a look at this article which explains in great detail on setting up prestoDB in single node cluster or multi-node cluster.

Getting started with prestodb

Writing down steps on how to go about setting up prestodb SQL on top of our feature lake.

  • Create a presto database.
  • Generate a manifest file for delta table either using spark configured with delta lake at at <path-to-delta-table>/_symlink_format_manifest/. Manifest file is a snapshot of the delta table, generally in apache parquet, which is read by prestodb to serve queries.
  • Create a presto table with the same schema as delta table and specify the delta table storage path
  • Create a presto table with the same schema as delta table and specify the feature delta table storage path
  • For Delta table having partitioned columns, run MSCK REPAIR TABLE mytable after generating the manifests to force the metastore (connected to Presto or Athena) to discover new partitions.

For better understanding, please go through this article.


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