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How to Become Better Cloud Engineer?

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It is now clearly obvious that cloud computing is revolutionizing the manner in which businesses operate, thereby establishing a new paradigm of choice for the delivery and management of data and applications. You can see that many businesses have made investments in and transitioned to cloud computing for a variety of reasons in today's day and age.

According to a survey by IDC, global spending on public cloud infrastructure and related services is expected to reach over $500 billion by 2023, which is an increase from the amount spent in 2019 of $229 billion. And as is the case with any technology that is expanding at such a rapid rate, job opportunities in connected fields are expanding as well.

In the following paragraphs, we will go over the steps necessary to become a cloud engineer. However, before you can learn how to become one, you need to first gain an understanding of the foundations of cloud computing and the reasons why you should consider being one.

What is a Cloud?

The term "the cloud" is used to refer to computer servers that may be accessed over the internet, as well as the applications and databases that are operated on those servers. The servers that make up a cloud are housed in data centres that can be found all over the world. Users and businesses do not need to be responsible for the management of their own physical servers or the operation of software programs on their own workstations when they use cloud computing.

Because the processing and storage of data take place on servers located in a data centre rather than locally on the user's device, cloud computing gives consumers the ability to access the same files and programs from virtually any device. It is because of this that a user may log in to their Instagram account on a new phone after their old phone has broken and still find their old account in place, complete with all of their photographs, videos, and chat history. It operates in the same manner as cloud email providers such as Gmail or Microsoft Office 365, and it operates in the same manner as cloud storage services such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

Switching to cloud computing can help reduce some of the overhead and costs associated with information technology for organizations. For instance, companies no longer have to upgrade and maintain their own servers because the cloud provider they use will take care of that for them. This has a particularly significant impact on small enterprises, which may not have been able to finance their own internal infrastructure but may now easily outsource their infrastructure needs by utilizing cloud computing. Cloud computing can also make it easier for businesses to expand into international markets because it lets both employees and customers access the same data and software no matter where they are.

What is a Cloud Engineer?

Engineers in the cloud are IT experts whose daily jobs include planning, building, managing, and debugging cloud infrastructure, as well as talking to end users.

The role of "Cloud Engineer" as a whole encompasses a variety of cloud-related roles, each of which has an emphasis on a distinct aspect of cloud computing. Cloud engineers can take on a wide variety of jobs, some of which include cloud architecting (the process of envisioning cloud solutions), cloud development (the implementation of cloud coding), cloud administration (the management of cloud networks), and cloud security.

A cloud engineer needs to be able to demonstrate the following skills:

  1. A degree in Computer Science or a topic that is closely related is required.
  2. You must be able to find solutions to issues.
  3. One possesses the ability to diagnose and fix technical problems.
  4. In addition to that, data analytics abilities are essential.
  5. In order to successfully plan and develop cloud apps, you really need to be able to think critically as well as creatively.
  6. Working familiarity with a selection of cloud systems

Cloud Engineer Roles and Responsibilities:

According to Mullen, the phrase "cloud engineer" refers less to a specific job title than it does to an umbrella term that is used to cover a variety of professions in cloud computing that focus on engineering, architecture, development, and administration. The following are some of the most common tasks that professionals in the most in-demand cloud computing jobs are expected to do.

Cloud Engineering

Those who work in cloud engineering roles analyze the technological infrastructure of a business and investigate the various choices for migrating to it. the clouds. If the company decides to move its operations to the cloud, a cloud engineer will be in charge of the move, which is also called migration, and the new system's ongoing maintenance.

In addition to these technical abilities, cloud engineering also calls for strong managerial capabilities. When it comes to cloud migration projects, engineers are frequently the ones who are expected to negotiate with vendors, coordinate with other members of the IT team, and communicate with senior leadership on the project's progress.

The Architecture of the Cloud

According to Mullen, the primary focus of these professions is the construction of the cloud's underlying infrastructure. A cloud environment contains a multitude of computing, networking, and security services, all of which need to have the appropriate configuration settings applied to them. Configuration plays an important part in ensuring not only that the appropriate users have access to the appropriate services (based on their job within the business), but also that the organization does not pay any unanticipated or unneeded expenses as a result of the configuration.

According to Mullen, contracts for using cloud services might be as specific as charging to rent hardware in order to store data or as abstract as charging to execute a function within a line of code. Because of this diversity, architects need to pay particular attention to the tiny print of cloud contracts and compare them to the way their business wants to use a cloud-based service.

Cloud Development

The creation of the functions, apps, or databases that are utilized by the cloud falls under the purview of these jobs. According to Mullen, many of the best practices are related to more conventional methods of developing software and databases. These include fast load times, the ability to work with many different web browsers, and using as little RAM as possible.

But now, [these workers] also need to grasp the cloud environment, the tools, and how working in the cloud is different from working on a single machine or in a private data center, he adds. "The cloud environment is comprised of multiple computers that are connected to the internet." For example, these developers need to know how an app will act when it accesses databases in different places. They also need to know how to run functions or queries efficiently when renting hardware.

Administration in the Cloud

These positions are comparable to the traditional system administrator function, which is responsible for managing an organization's on-premise hardware and software, but the focus of these roles is on cloud-based services rather than on-premise ones. Primary responsibilities include managing requests for new technology; maintaining a secure cloud environment; and guaranteeing appropriate availability of services, often known as uptime. Additionally, primary responsibilities include developing and executing regulations for the usage of cloud services.

Mullen underlines the importance of paying close attention to both availability and security. The cloud platforms use something called a "shared model," which means that they guarantee some security measures but not all of them. For example, it is up to each company to build a firewall around the network that is used to access cloud services with important data and business applications.

Skills Required to Become a Cloud Engineer:

The profession of cloud engineer requires both technical and interpersonal abilities. The following are some essential abilities that should be mastered:

Hard skills

The following are some essential practical skills that should be learned:

Acquire a Solid Working Knowledge of the Linux Operating System:

The first and most important step is to acquire a solid working knowledge of the Linux operating system. You should have this fundamental grasp of your operating system if you want to work as a cloud engineer or as a cloud architect, and practicing Linux would benefit you in either of those roles. Installing a virtual machine using VirtualBox or creating a VM in a cloud environment are two examples of how straightforward it is to accomplish this task. Installing a variety of software, performing a load analysis, installing packages, and even altering them are examples of some of the more advanced commands that you might use.

Proficient Programming Skills:

It is absolutely necessary to have solid programming skills when studying cloud computing. There are a handful of different languages that you need to be fluent in:

  1. ASP.NET enables developers to create dynamic web pages and implement cutting-edge solutions in a variety of browsers.
  2. SQL is a data storage, manipulation, and processing language used for massive amounts of data.
  3. Python is a programming language that is utilized in the development of serverless applications, particularly in AWS.
  4. Golang is a programming language that is used for managing concurrency and parallelism, particularly when working with GCP.
  5. PHP is a server-side scripting language that can be used to automate web pages or websites with various functions.

It is without a doubt going to be helpful to have a decent command of these languages in order to master cloud computing in the manner that is needed.

Working Knowledge of Networking and Internet Protocols:

Since cloud roles are dependent on the deployment of centralized computing resources via the cloud, having a working knowledge of how the internet works and networking is vitally crucial. Engineers are required to work on network management, which includes tasks such as enhancing the responsiveness of networks in accordance with the needs of the user by automating the process of making modifications. For this reason, it is essential to acquire knowledge of virtual networks in addition to the foundations of networking for cloud-centric employment.

DevOps and containerization:

DevOps is a blend of development and operations and is one of the most prominent frameworks in the cloud. Containerization is a method of organizing software so that it can be moved easily from one location to another. Recently, people who are particularly interested in AWS have shown a significant increase in demand for AWS DevOps. The term "containerization" refers to the process of isolating individual cloud apps from one another, which simplifies the process of deploying individual cloud applications. Therefore, gaining knowledge of Docker or Kubernetes will be an excellent step toward becoming a good cloud engineer.

Have a Solid Understanding of Virtualization:

This implies not depending on personal individual hardware, which might cause issues when scaling, but rather operating application software on virtual computers. Because of this, the hardware dependency is reduced, and it also helps to improve fault tolerance, making it one of the most coveted talents for a cloud engineer to possess. Examples include AWS EC2 (Elastic Compute) and AWS Lambda.

Cloud Service Providers:

There are several cloud service providers that offer storage, database, compute, machine learning, and migration services; however, AWS is the leader, and Microsoft's Azure is following closely behind it. Understanding cloud computing in further depth and becoming familiar with the best practices to implement requires first gaining an understanding of how various cloud providers operate and how they deliver resources to their customers. Other cloud providers include IBM and OpenStack in addition to Google's Cloud Platform (GCP).

Security and Recovery:

Cloud security is one of the most difficult subdomains in the cloud since it entails crucial actions to be made in the event of a data breach or when it comes time to recover from a disaster. It requires sophisticated knowledge of both cloud computing and cybersecurity since every time that cloud resources are unavailable, it can result in significant financial losses and the inability of the customer to access the services they require, which in turn has an impact on the customer's business.

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and Web Services:

The integration of applications on the internet is made possible by cloud infrastructure, which relies largely on APIs and web services. Data can be transferred and described using open standards like XML, SOAP, and WSDL, among others. These standards are also used to list the services that are available. Your trip into the cloud can be made easier if you have a solid understanding of the topics discussed here.

Soft skills

The following are examples of common soft skills that are required for this job role:


Collaboration is a common practice among cloud architects, as they routinely work with other members of the IT community as well as business stakeholders. A person's ability to communicate clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing, is one of the most important abilities for ensuring the accurate and efficient flow of information.

Ability to Learn:

The projects that a cloud architect works on might be very different from one another because they deal with such a wide variety of different technical contexts and circumstances. If these individuals are willing to learn about and accommodate the specific requirements of each individual project, they will have no trouble assisting consumers.

Attention to detail:

Paying attention to detail is essential for cloud architects, as they must concurrently consider a variety of factors while planning and constructing a cloud system. By paying careful attention to the specifics, they are able to build a cloud that is secure, scalable, and fits all of their requirements.


Cloud architects may be in command of a team of information technology experts, which may include individuals who assist them in working in the cloud. If they have strong leadership abilities, they will be able to recognize the qualities, limitations, and motivations of their team members, which will allow them to assist each individual in growing.

How to Become a Cloud Engineer?

Learn how to become a cloud engineer by going through the following steps:

Get a bachelor's degree

The majority of cloud engineering positions require a bachelor's degree in an area such as computer science, information systems and technology, software engineering, or another field that is closely related. Choose a bachelor's degree program that focuses on the more technical parts of computing, software and system infrastructure, and other technical topics. If you choose to continue your education after earning a bachelor's degree in a computer- or technology-related career, you will be better prepared for advanced degrees.

Become familiar with several programming languages

It is essential for you to become proficient in multiple programming languages because your employer may demand you to use them on a regular basis. For example, Python, C++, Java, and Ruby are all fantastic options for refining your programming skills. In addition to learning computer languages, you should also work on expanding your knowledge of the most common cloud services.

Gain relevant experience

Think about participating in some open-source projects or doing internships to obtain some expertise in cloud computing. It is possible that this will assist you in building a portfolio of your work, which you can then use to demonstrate your level of experience during future job interviews. Internships can provide you with the opportunity to learn vital skills that are required for the position of cloud engineer. Practical experiences are often necessary to have an understanding of how to apply your abilities and training in a professional context that is based on the real world.

Consider a master's degree

Cloud engineers who have a master's degree in a technical discipline may have access to a wider variety of career prospects as a result of their higher level of education. You should give some thought to earning a postgraduate degree in a specialized technical subject. This will allow you to gain further knowledge in the areas of information technology, programming, and software development, and will complement your existing skills in cloud computing. You can develop more of these technical abilities and expertise by earning a master's degree, for example in software engineering or systems engineering. This can help you advance your career.

Get certifications

By earning a few certifications in cloud computing, you may demonstrate to employers that you have the necessary knowledge and degree of expertise in cloud engineering. Certificates in cloud computing and cloud engineering can be obtained from a variety of cloud companies. Including pertinent certificates on your CV is another way to assist make it more appealing to hiring managers.

Start looking for work.

After you have obtained a sufficient amount of expertise in the sector, you can initiate the application process for jobs in cloud engineering roles. There are a lot of job portals out there that will make it simple for you to find open positions. You have the option to begin your career as an employee at a lower level and then progress to higher positions as your level of expertise increases.

Future Scope of Cloud Engineer:

Computing in the cloud is one component of a business strategy that is revolutionizing industries all over the world. Because it enables enterprises to keep their flexibility, scale, and concentrate their resources on business operations, it is incredibly crucial for any company to have. It not only alters the way a great number of organizations access and store data but also changes the way a great number of these firms conduct their day-to-day operations. As a result, the future of cloud computing and chances for work are both quite promising for the year 2022.

As a consequence of the pandemic, an increase in the number of jobs that are being performed remotely has led to an increase in the demand for cloud services. In point of fact, Forrester Research anticipates that the market for cloud computing would expand by 35 percent in the year 2022. As a result, it is one of the skills that are in most demand in the information technology business. Cloud computing, cloud migration, AWS/Azure, SAP, and machine learning/artificial intelligence are among the most in-demand talents among recruiters looking to hire cloud experts. Recruiters also prioritize candidates who have experience with cloud migration. It provides a wide variety of fascinating work prospects for IT professionals, allowing them to improve their skills and advance their careers. People who are considering beginning a career in cloud computing should do so right now since the moment is right.


Cloud computing is increasingly transforming the way in which businesses operate. That won't be shifting any time soon. As a consequence of this, approximately 80% of businesses now conduct at least a portion of their operations on cloud computing platforms, such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. Even while this has opened up a lot of doors for cloud engineers, the fact that there is a skills gap in the business is very troubling.

The moment is ripe for you to begin a career in cloud computing if you are considering becoming a cloud engineer or if you are interested in beginning such a career. You can realize your goal of becoming a professional cloud engineer by adhering to the processes outlined above and getting the appropriate certifications.

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Shivam Bhatele

Software Developer, Scaler

I am a Software Developer and I loved to share programming knowledge and interact with new people. My hobbies are coding, reading books, and learning new things.
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