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@nataliiapolomkina shared a post, 1 year, 5 months ago

Your Guide to Safe Emails: Create and Implement a DKIM Record

In the DKIM Explained blog post, we featured a doleful story of a product owner named Mark who missed a chance to sell his product to a prospect named Yvonne. Mark’s marketing emails reached Yvonne’s mailbox but ended up in a ‘spam’ folder. So, she has signed with another company. The reason was quite simple: Mark’s emails lacked a DKIM signature. Don’t make his mistake and set up your DKIM record with the help of this guide. 

@nataliiapolomkina shared a post, 1 year, 5 months ago

Difference Between Hard and Soft Bounce

“Your email failed to be delivered”. Again. Why? Even when you think you configured everything properly, there are various reasons why your email might bounce. Some might be really your fault but most of the time, it’s things out of your control that cause emails to come back in a matter of seconds. Let’s analyze each case one by one and talk about the difference between a hard bounce and a soft bounce.

@nataliiapolomkina shared a post, 1 year, 6 months ago

Send and Receive Emails in C#

As one of Microsoft’s most successful programming languages, it’s safe to say that C# enjoys a lot of popularity and adoption among developers. 

These same developers are behind the creation of everything from desktop and web applications to enterprise software and games, which often need to have an email-sending functionality for distributing email notifications to users.

So how do developers incorporate the email-sending functionality into their software and send emails with C#? We tackle this question in the text below, so if you’re interested, keep on reading!