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@adammetis shared a post, 4Ā months, 3Ā weeks ago
DevRel, Metis

How the Shift-Left movement affects developers and their databases

We want to test early and more often. This is what shift-left refers to. Instead of testing applications just before the release, we want to test our applications early to identify issues when itā€™s still easy to fix them. However, shifting to the left carries much bigger consequences. Letā€™s see what.

Database Chaos- Is Your Bottom Line Hanging By a Thread @2x
@adammetis shared a post, 4Ā months, 3Ā weeks ago
DevRel, Metis

Imagine a world where you don't have to worry about your databaseā€¦

Imagine a world where you donā€™t have to worry about your database, no bugs are deployed to production, all the performance checks happen early during the development phase, you donā€™t need DBAs nor the maintenance team, and still, everything works great. No matter how fantastic that sounds, you can get it today. Read on to learn how.

@adammetis shared a post, 5Ā months ago
DevRel, Metis

Calculating Fingerprints For SQL Queries

We wanted to calculate a unique identifier for each SQL query in the database. See how we solved this challenge.

Calculating Fingerprints For SQL Queries@3x