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@dumunari shared a post, 2 years, 6 months ago
Developer Master, CI&T

Installing Istio, Prometheus, Kiali, Jaeger and Grafana as Istio addons and enabling Istio Rolling Upgrades

Before we start this conversation, we assume you have knowledge on Kubernetes, Istio, Prometheus, Kiali, Jaeger and Grafana.
If you don't, you can check the official documentation by accessing the following links:
- https://kubernetes.io
- https://istio.io
- https://prometheus.io
- https://kiali.io
- https://www.jaegertracing.io
- https://grafana.com

By following this article, we are going to achieve such things:
- Install Istio (using revisions) to a Kubernetes Cluster
- Install Prometheus as an Istio addon so we can retrieve some service mesh custom metrics
- Install Kiali as an Istio addon so we can visualize our service mesh traffic and, if needed, manage and customize our traffic
- Install Jaeger as an Istio addon so we can monitor and inspect all our requests using tracing
- Install Grafana as an Istio addon so we can monitor everything that is going on through dashboards and charts
- Be able to perform Rolling Upgrades on Istio

Screenshot 2022-09-03 214304.png