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@idjuric660 shared a post, 1 week, 1 day ago
Technical Content Writer, Mailtrap

Email Marketing For An Agency: A Go-To Guide For Beginners

In this guide, you will learn why to start email marketing for an agency, how to build a high-quality email list, create engaging content, and manage your email deliverability like an expert. 

Want to skip the theory and jump straight to the step-by-step email marketing guide? Click here!

@idjuric660 shared a post, 1 month ago
Technical Content Writer, Mailtrap

Best Email Encryption Software

There’s a lot of talk going on about data encryption. Nearly every day we hear about email leaks and we start to wonder if our data is secure. And rightly so! Those who ignore such vital concerns are often the hacker’s first victims. However, those who do give it some more thought use some of the best email encryption software on the market and keep their data secure. What should you pick? Let’s go through the best available options.

@idjuric660 shared a post, 1 month, 1 week ago
Technical Content Writer, Mailtrap

Email Marketing Challenges: Read Before Launching Your First Campaign

Anybody can create and launch an email marketing campaign, but few experts understand how to turn email recipients into leads and clients.

My goal here is to help you become such an expert. I’ll show you how to identify common email marketing challenges and be proactive in preventing them from becoming real issues. Consequently, you should see much higher engagement with your campaigns.

Without much ado, let’s tackle the topic head first. 😀
