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@jeanvelez2 shared a post, 2 years, 6 months ago

AWS Lambda: Hidden treasures

No matter your level of expertise in AWS, there’s a high chance you’ll be working, or you already worked with AWS Lambda. It is a service that provides us the ease of launching and implementing our code without worrying much about server related maintenance and tasks.

Still there are features and components that many developers are not aware of that could be of great benefit to your projects.

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@jeanvelez2 shared a post, 2 years, 6 months ago

AWS S3: Blank out your Bucket

Simple way to give your S3 bucket a fresh start when it is too filled with useless files.

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@jeanvelez2 shared a post, 2 years, 7 months ago

Sign your AWS Lambda packages

AWS provides a service named AWS Signer, which is a code-signing service that helps establish the trustworthiness of your code when uploading it to the Lambda Function or IoT services at AWS.

This post will show the concepts related to the AWS Signer service and a brief demo.

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