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@tom_sapak shared a post, 2 years, 6 months ago

How we migrated from Ansible & Docker Compose to Helm & Kubernetes and why you want that too

It’s been almost two years since we released KYPO cyber range platform¹ as Open-source project. KYPO consists of 10 microservices and up to 8 supporting services making deployment and configuration a complex task. We’ve released two projects to make it simpler:

kypo-crp-openstack-base² — set of shell scripts and heat templates for OpenStack cloud resources allocation

kypo-crp-deployment³ —Ansible playbooks and roles for application provisioning

We soon realized that orchestration with Heat and shell scripts is not flexible enough, so we’ve replaced it internally with Terraform.

@tom_sapak started using tool Terraform , 2 years, 6 months ago.
@tom_sapak started using tool Python , 2 years, 6 months ago.