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@yokee-ss-hh shared a post, 2 years, 5 months ago
Backend developer, Clarivate

Data Classes in python 😈(part-2)

In this Blog, Let’s discuss dataclass decorator parameters. We can control the features of the dataclass by passing arguments to dataclass decorator .

@yokee-ss-hh shared a post, 2 years, 5 months ago
Backend developer, Clarivate

Data Classes 😈 in python (part-1)

Let’s start Data Classes 💃that uses dataclasses module

In a normal concrete class, we want to define a constructor and __repr__ to make the custom representation of the object when object is passed as parameter to print() function.

@yokee-ss-hh shared a post, 2 years, 6 months ago
Backend developer, Clarivate

Python Lists Cyclic References by YOKESH

Some days back, I was just digging deep into python lists and i found some thing really interesting and confusing at the same time. ”I will make you confusing too” . Chalooo, Let’s start !….