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C# vs Rust vs Go. A performance benchmarking in Kubernetes

C# vs Rust vs Go. A performance benchmarking in Kubernetes

The article provides a comparison between Rust, C#, and Go in terms of performance benchmarks for web APIs deployed on Kubernetes. It creates two web APIs, one in Rust and one in C#, each with two methods to store and retrieve information, and explores the code to make necessary changes for the project.

The author discusses how to monitor the resource usage of the APIs using performance monitoring tools, including CPU and memory usage, and visualize it through Grafana. They showcase the base running application benchmarks and then proceed to showcase the benchmarks under load.

Spoiler: The results indicate that Rust has consistent performance and is almost always faster than C# and Go, with Rust's latency being half that of C#. However, the performance seems to be nuanced between C# and Go, as they seem to outperform each other in different scenarios.

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