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Cross Validation is a concept which we can use to validate different models and find the best tuning parameters.
At times, in machine learning we always face the questions like :
Cross Validation is a concept which we can use to validate different models and find the best tuning parameters.
(Figure showing cross validation with 5 folds)
We can find the best tuning parameters using cross validation. Let’s try to find the most optimal value of k to tune the K-Nearest Neighbours algorithm.
In the above example we want to chose the best value of k (1 to 20) and their performance accuracy are stored in k_scores list.
After validating our dataset with cross validation we would want to use KNN Algorithm to create our model with the best value of the tuning parameter k to be 12.
This is an introduction to machine leaning model validation and I’ll be posting many more content of machine learning and data science.
Thanks for reading , I’ll be posting more contents related to this. :)
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