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The Future Of Automation: 3 Key Trends

The Future Of Automation: 3 Key Trends

The Future Of Automation: 3 Key Trends

The way we do business has already been transformed by intelligent automation. Smarter, higher-value automation platforms, holistic solutions that replace single-use technologies, and increased worker confidence in intelligent automation will all benefit company executives in the coming years.

1. Business process automation will become more straightforward, efficient, and cost-effective.

Artificial intelligence breakthroughs will allow day-to-day procedures to be automated more swiftly and efficiently in the future years (or AI). AI is a type of technology that may be employed in a solution to "learn" over time in the same way that humans do. When combined with robotic process automation (RPA), AI can handle more complex jobs, including those requiring complex decision-making. Advances in AI will expand the amount of procedures that can be automated over the next decade.

Improve the efficiency of procedures that have already been automated.

Take, for example, Intelligent Document Processing (or IDP). IDP processes unstructured and semi-structured data from documents using artificial intelligence. AI advancements will result in greater confidence scores for retrieved structured data, reducing the requirement for human review as part of the process. Because the Nividous platform allows users to specify a confidence score threshold above which data is automatically forwarded to the next step in the process, this is achievable. People will have more time to work on high-value jobs as their reliance on IDP grows.

AI will not only increase business process automation, but it will also save costs. Assuming Moore's Law as a corollary

Once you've committed to automating, your processes will continue to grow exponentially, becoming faster and more efficient in the long run, according to Moore's Law (which forecasts that computing speed doubles every 18 months). Your operating costs will continuously decrease over time, and your employees will increasingly produce higher-quality work output in less time.

2. Technology adoption will be fueled by end-to-end solutions.

Business leaders in today's industry are looking for solutions to their problems. Few companies are actively aiming to integrate technologies like RPA or AI, but they are glad to employ them as part of a solution that enhances their bottom line in some way. For instance, an insurance firm is more likely to be involved.

Rather than researching technologies like RPA or AI on their own, companies are seeking for a customer onboarding solution.

When it comes to picking vendors, businesses look for those whose offerings are the best match for their unique problem or requirement. As a result of this cycle, market leaders in specialised areas of automation compete to suit niche demands, resulting in a fragmented market.

Enterprise leaders will certainly recognise in the future that employing 15 products from 15 different vendors to complete similar tasks is wasteful and unsustainable. Comprehensive, holistic solutions that streamline operations from start to finish will acquire traction.

Hyper automation, which combines RPA and AI, and Business Process Management Systems (BPMS), for example, are capable of automating client onboarding.

from start to finish, and will be critical in assisting future leaders in streamlining processes.

3. Increased automation will be welcomed by business teams.

People and businesses are increasingly recognising that automation will not completely transform the workforce. Automation, on the other hand, frees up time for planning everything from new methods to innovate to improved customer service to a better work/life balance for people. Companies benefit from assisting their employees in becoming more productive rather than from reducing positions. Not to mention that most of the jobs that automation can and will take on in the future are only a small part of what employees provide overall.

The future of automation will place a premium on enhanced intelligence, in which artificial intelligence aids the development of human intelligence. Human intelligence and artificial intelligence are, in fact, highly complementary. Given the situation, With AI technologies like IDP, AI Chatbots, predictive analytics, and automated reporting now in use, it's just a matter of time before AI becomes a natural, extensive, and well-appreciated part of most organisations.

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