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What is C Programming Language?

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It is possible to create operating systems, databases, compilers, and other apps with C programming. C is a strong language that may be used to develop anything from an operating system to a compiler. For those of you who are new to programming, or maybe you’re someone that’s just getting started in your career, this may be the lengthiest post you’ve ever read. But fear not, it’s all for a good reason, and this is going to be one of the most important posts of your programming career. You see, programming is one of the most rewarding careers out there. It requires thinking under pressure, and that can be challenging for many people. The pay isn’t great, but given the growth in the industry over the last few decades, it’s steadily improving. In this blog post, we will discuss how to get started as a programmer by mastering the fundamentals of Programming Language.

What is C Programming?

C is a general-purpose, operating system-agnostic, and procedural language that was invented by Dennis Ritchie at AT&T. It is commonly used on modern computers, and its popularity has grown in recent years. Dennis Ritchie created C in the early 1970s as a system programming language to write an operating system. C is a procedural programming language with a simple syntax, a small set of keywords, and a clean style. These features make C an appealing system language, including an operating system or compiler development. C is a fairly simple language with straightforward syntax. Many other languages have been influenced by C syntax/features. The syntax of languages such as Java is largely based on C. C++ is a pretty big improvement over C (Few programs will execute in C++, but not in C).

Why Use C?

Using C language is part of mastering the programming basics. It is easy to build a programming foundation when C is taught using primary reasons. It gives more power to C, which is one of the reasons it is used professionally. The most important aspect of C is pointers, so people require C. We must have a high-level language that is machine-translatable in order to instruct hardware and software to carry out our instructions, in order for them to function. So we must translate C into machine language so that we can instruct hardware and software to operate in accordance with our program.

Features of C:

C's key features are listed below:

  • C language is straightforward to learn and comprehend, which makes it easy to understand and create applications. Schoolchildren typically learn C by using this feature as an introductory language.
  • Having only the essential and necessary features, C is said to be faster than other dynamic languages. The fact that it is a statically typed language gives it an edge over other dynamic languages. It also stands out from other dynamic languages because it is a compiler-based language. As a compiler, C can assemble and execute codes faster than other languages.
  • Another thing that makes C so portable is that it is machine-independent. Because it is machine-independent, you can write C code that can be used on a variety of machines without making any machine-specific changes.
  • Code can be added to a C program in an easy manner. This means that you can add new features, functions, and operations to an existing code without making numerous alterations.
  • A beginner can easily code using these built-in functions, even if they are not familiar with C. In addition to that, a programmer can create user-defined functions and add them to C libraries. C libraries are available in such a large variety of applications and functionality that a programmer can create a huge number of apps and programmes.

How does C differ from C++ Language?

C is a Procedural Language, whereas C++ is an Object-Oriented Language. C is an instance of the Procedural Oriented Programming language whereas C++ is an instance of the Object-Oriented Programming language. C does not permit function overloading; C++ does. C uses built-in data types; C++ creates and utilises user-defined data types. C and C++ languages have the same structure and syntax. They both have the same compilation. They both have a similar memory model. Both languages share almost all of their syntax and most of their operators and keywords. C++ also has a lot of extra features, but it has a more complex grammar and a more complex syntax.

C Basic Commands:

A beginner in C programming should learn the following commands:

#include <stdio.h> // A C program must first include this header file before it can be compiled.
int main() // C program execution begins with this step.
{ // A start point is indicated by the beginning of the main Functions.
/*_Here are_comments_*/ // The comment /* */ inside a C program will not be compiled and executed.
printf("Hello Friends!"); //You can see the output of this command on the screen.
getch(); // Any character entered on the keyboard is preceded by this command.
return 0; // A C program (main function) can be terminated with this statement.
} // The main function is finished.

How does C Programming Language Works?

There are a number of steps to successfully developing an application. We need an editor, a compiler, a linker, and a loader in order to successfully develop an app or programme. Code Blocks, Eclipse, Geany, etc. are a few of the many IDE for C that provides all these necessary components.

Editing: To develop an application in C, we must first write/edit the source code. The source code describes all the steps that must be carried out by the machine in a written format (i.e. capable of being understood by humans). In our case, a plain text editor (Notepad) or IDE editor is suitable. The *.c file must be saved after the source file is created.

Compiling: We must have a compiler in order to generate our source code file. The command prompt is the only way to install a C compiler on our machine. A compiler may also be executed using a simple text editor. To create a source file using an IDE, we only need to click a menu button. After the preprocessing is done, the compiler creates a temporary file, not visible to the user.

Linking: We must now assemble all our external code files and the static library files ( *.lib ) for them before we can use them. Therefore, we must also have all object files and the machine code for the printf() function in our source file. This can be accomplished by making a static library (*.lib) file. In our case, the *.lib file contains machine code for the printf() function.

Loading: The loader is used to load the program into the computer's memory so that it can be executed. Typically, the linked file includes the loader. When we run the executable, the loader is triggered, which loads the program into the computer's memory and begins execution.

Advantages of C:

  1. C is a simple programming language that is fast and efficient. We can write C programs very quickly because it is a portable language. Because it is a simple language, C programs are more efficient and faster than other programming languages. We can learn C easily because its keywords and symbols are limited. We also do not need to be experts in computer science in order to start coding in C. In addition, C has system-generated functions and user-defined functions.
  2. Many other languages are constructed on the base of C programming language, which is a very important part of many other languages. C is a very important language that is used in many other languages. It has a large variety of data types, which makes it a very efficient language to program. Programs written in C are simple to understand and efficient, which makes it a popular programming language. C is the most significant programming language and should be mastered before learning any other programming language. Python, C++, Java, and others are all built on the foundation of the C programming language.
  3. C has a large selection of data kinds and function operators in order to provide a powerful range of operations on a single platform. Portable assemblers like this one are referred to as "portable assemblers," and they are used to create low-level code that may be compiled with a variety of different compilers. Because of C's proficiency, it is simple to produce efficient code, which in turn leads to improved runtime performance.
  4. C includes numerous built-in functions that can be used to create programs or meet specific demands, with certain functions being user-generated and others being defined. Additional functions may be created by the programmer, known as user-generated or defined functions, which are specific to their needs. C includes a huge number of built-in functions that make it easier to create programs. The scanf() and printf() functions are two that can be utilized without having to be declared. Several library functions may be used to create functions of a similar nature, making it possible to concentrate on developing our solutions.
  5. C is straightforward to use, which makes it well-suited to operating systems and platforms ranging from Windows to Mac OS X to Android and iOS. We can write C code on any computer without making any changes or with just a few alterations. Because it operates independently of character codes, C is compatible with a wide range of operating systems and platforms. We can run C code on any device wherever we live, whether we make changes or not.
  6. C is a widely used and efficient language when it comes to software developers. We can learn the basics of programming with the structured language C if we are not familiar with it. C is an effective and efficient programming language that is simpler to learn than other programming languages.
  7. Debugging C programs is simple thanks to its lack of complex statements such as loops, conditionals, variables, functions, arrays, pointers, and so on. We can simply CTRL+D to halt our process and end it immediately, for example. If we encounter difficulties while programming, we can simply refer to one line and continue working until we find the solution.
  8. It appears C programming language is an effective approach for developing a program from the ground up. Because our code is simple to understand, we won't have to spend too much time trying to figure out whether we made a mistake or not when developing it. It can be completed by someone else for a low cost.

Disadvantages of C:

  1. C is an extremely powerful programming language, but it does not support the majority of programming features, such as inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, abstraction, and data hiding. C follows the procedural programming approach to programming.
  2. Even after writing the program, the compiler may display all of the errors in C code. As opposed to other programming languages, in which errors are identified after every line of code, C errors are detected after the program has been written. As a result, code checking in large programs may be extremely difficult.
  3. In program is not constrained by any particular checking procedure. For example, we could pass an integer as input.
  4. The C programming language does not support namespaces, in which names are used only in specific contexts. A namespace is a group of commands that can be performed in sequence. We can't declare two variables with the same name if we don't use namespaces, but C does not have this capability. A variable with the same name can't be defined in C.
  5. Programming languages can handle exceptions, one of which is crucial for the quality of code. Because of its critical characteristic, C does not exhibit the same benefits as C, which is another programming language.
  6. Neither constructors nor destructors are present in the C language. OOP's fundamental functionality, including constructors and destructors, is provided to them. All classes are created with constructor functions and destructors, and they are called by the same name. The Object() and destructor() functions, which are covered later on, are examples of this.
  7. C is one of the few machine languages that hide as little data as possible and has the highest level of security, both of which have an impact on its security.
  8. C has the property that inheritance is not supported. Methods cannot be inherited.


C is an excellent choice for low-level kernel and embedded application development because of its portability, resource utilisation predictability, and efficiency. Its adaptability, efficiency, and high performance make it a good fit for data manipulation tools with lots of complexity. Modern programming languages are better than C at many things, but not all factors are equal. It is still the best language for performance, despite the fact that C is still the best language for almost everything else. We hope this article has been able to give you an introduction to C and how to use it in your projects.

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Shivam Bhatele

Software Developer, Scaler

I am a Software Developer and I loved to share programming knowledge and interact with new people. My hobbies are coding, reading books, and learning new things.
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