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Unlock Efficiency: Introducing Incident Merging in Your Toolkit!


Discover the power of incident merging! Streamline complex scenarios, enhance visibility, and expedite resolutions with our latest feature. Learn when to merge incidents and how this tool transforms your Incident Management strategy. Upgrade now for a more efficient and organized approach!

Exciting News: Introducing Incident Merging!

Greetings, everyone! We're thrilled to announce a valuable addition to your Incident Management toolkit — the ability to merge incidents with just a few clicks. This latest feature empowers you to reduce noise, especially when dealing with complex incidents that span multiple services.

Key Benefits of Incident Merging:

  • Enhanced Visibility:
    • Consolidates incidents for a comprehensive view, facilitating better understanding of scope and impact.
  • Faster Resolution:
    • Focuses resources on resolving the root cause instead of addressing each incident separately.
  • Reduced Duplication:
    • Prevents duplication of effort, ensuring a unified approach to problem-solving.
  • Improved Communication:
    • Simplifies communication with stakeholders by providing a single merged incident for progress and resolution updates.

When to Consider Merging Incidents:

  • Common Root Cause:
    • Streamlines investigation and resolution when multiple incidents stem from the same underlying issue.
  • Multiple Reports of the Same Problem:
    • Prevents duplication of effort when several users report the same problem.
  • Related Incidents:
    • Maintains a clear incident chain when separate incidents are interrelated, such as a network outage affecting multiple services.

How Does Incident Merging Work?

For a detailed breakdown of accessing the feature, its capabilities, limitations, and other essential details, check out our documentation here. Alternatively, you can watch the video below for a quick rundown on how parent and child incidents are created.

Upgrade your incident management strategy with this powerful merging feature!

In conclusion, we believe merging incidents will help optimise your incident management process and prevent duplication of effort. Or simply put, you’d rather not find out the hard way that you and your teammate were working on the same incident all along. This feature is available to everyone who takes Squadcast on a spin via our 14 day free trial!

Squadcast is a Reliability Workflow platform that integrates On-Call alerting and Incident Management along with SRE workflows in one offering. Designed for a zero-friction setup, ease of use and clean UI, it helps developers, SREs and On-Call teams proactively respond to outages and create a culture of learning and continuous improvement.

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Squadcast Inc

Squadcast is a cloud-based software designed around Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) practices with best-of-breed Incident Management & On-call Scheduling capabilities.
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