Hey folks! We’re happy to invite you to DevOpsDays Ukraine: Disaster Recovery at scale on September 14-15th ⚙️
Get ready for a two-day DevOps journey:
🔸 Fireside Chat with the co-founder of DevOpsDays, Patrick Debois.
🔸 Cultural Talks by top experts Charity Majors, Iaroslav Molochko, Manuel Pais, Adriana Villela just to name a few.
Some of the topics:
- Emergency cloud migration and cost optimization tricks during the first months of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine
- Compliance and Regulatory Standards Are Not Incompatible With Modern Development Best Practices
- Beyond Engineering: The Future of Platforms
- The Case for Self-Service Tooling
- Key strategies to overcome the challenges of operating
🔸 Ignite talks: DevOps in GameDev, Socio-Technical Engineering, FQDN Egress Control and much more.
And finally online networking on Open-Spaces with like-minded experts from around the world.
Check out agenda & register 👉 https://www.devopsdays.com.ua
When? September 14-15
Where? Online
Can't wait to see y'all!