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@faun shared a link, 1 year, 4 months ago

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@ryanc shared a link, 3 weeks, 1 day ago

Really: Policy language for infra that doesn't suck

Using Rego for cloud configuration is awful. Use Really: policy-as-code built for humans.

When we started building Resourcely, the global configuration engine for cloud infrastructure, we slowly realized that the status quo of policy-as-code was broken. Writing our first Resourcely guardrails in Rego took hours to create and even more time to maintain. Writing new policies was extremely tedious and time-intensive, especially given the fact that we wanted to make them flexible. To help achieve our mission of making infrastructure more secure, it became evident that a new policy language would be needed that allowed policy to be written and maintained without headaches.

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Really policy as code DSL
@hemendranahar shared a link, 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Auto-Complete Suggestions Using OpenSearch

This blog post will walk you through the create an feature in the application that can help your users to save time to find anything. I've tried to make this simple so that everyone can see through this.

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Auto-Complete Suggestions Using OpenSearch
Link Xygeni Team
@mashka shared a link, 1 month, 1 week ago
Paid Acquisition and Growth Marketing, xygeni

NPM flooding case-study: “Down the Rabbit Hole looking for a Tea”

While the presence of malicious code in package registries is well-known, there are other strange or unusual behaviors that completely go unnoticed by the regular users of these registries. Even for those of us who keep a close watch on them, it is not easy to find a reason or explanation for such behavior. Read about it!

@sophiaadam163 shared a link, 1 month, 1 week ago

How do I resolve QuickBooks Error 30159?

QuickBooks Error 30159 typically occurs due to issues with the payroll service, such as incorrect file setup, outdated payroll tax tables, or damaged system files. To resolve this error, start by ensuring your payroll subscription is active and your QuickBooks software is up-to-date. Next, verify that your payroll tax tables are current by downloading the latest updates from Intuit. If the error persists, use the QuickBooks File Doctor tool to diagnose and repair any system file issues. Additionally, you may need to check and configure your system settings, ensuring that QuickBooks has the necessary permissions to function correctly. If these steps do not resolve the error, contacting QuickBooks Support for further assistance is recommended.

QuickBooks Error 30159
@kodehash shared a link, 1 month, 2 weeks ago
SEO Executive, Kodehash Technologies

What is Error Code 1603 in Java?

Malware developers enjoy the benefits of the Java flaws and thus keep on installing more advanced updates of Java. But at the same time, it’s crucial to prevent the system from possible attacks. On installing the Java updates on Windows, many times we encounter Java error code 1603. It is a cryptic stumbling block encountered by developers, affecting the seamless execution of Java applications.

In this blog, we’ll check the key highlights of Error Code 1603, exploring its main causes and offering comprehensive solutions that help navigate through the complexities of Java development.

Best SEO Company In India To Improve Visibility and Sales
@vaibhavpatil123 shared a link, 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Tech Radar | 3 | Lets explore NATS.IO distributed messaging made easy !!

Tech Radar | 3 | Lets explore NATS.IO distributed messaging made easy !!

@ray_parker01 shared a link, 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Marketing Consultant, Latest Businesses

The Evolution of QA Services: From Manual Testing to AI-Driven Processes

The evolution of QA services from manual efforts to AI-driven processes showcases the technology sector’s commitment to improving software quality and efficiency.

Evolution of QA Services
@prathamesh-sonpatki shared a link, 3 months, 1 week ago

Everything in software monitoring is dead, apparently

Everything in software monitoring is dead, apparently
@carolinemax shared a link, 3 months, 1 week ago
Business Analyst, Maticz Technologies

Computer-Assisted Learning

Computer Assisted Learning(CAL) is an integration of technology into the educational process to enhance learning outcomes. It encompasses a wide range of tools and techniques to support traditional learning methods. CAL is specially designed to personalize the learning experience that is crafted according to individual learners. With adaptive algorithms and data analytics, it records the student's performance and provides tailored content and feedback to optimize their results. Another major benefit of CAL is its ability to make learning more engaging and interactive. Finally, CAL represents the update in education by harnessing the power of technology to improve the learning process.

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Computer-Assisted Learning
@prathamesh-sonpatki shared a link, 5 months, 1 week ago

How to instrument Golang app using OpenTelemetry

How to instrument Golang app using OpenTelemetry