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@faun shared a link, 1 year, 1 month ago

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@tonyzhu_sphereex shared an update, 12 months ago
Marketing Specialist, SphereEx

ShardingSphere 5.3.2 Release: Apollo Integration, Better Data Migration, and Stronger Encryption

Apache ShardingSphere version 5.3.2, released after two months of development, brings significant improvements in functionality, performance, testing, documentation, and examples. With 797 PRs from teams and individuals worldwide, users can enjoy an enhanced and problem-solving version. Notably, the ShardingSphere Driver now supports Apollo, allowing for configuration reading from the Apollo configuration center. Other updates include support for migrating tables with any index structure and the CONCAT function for data encryption fuzzy query.

@cloudzenix shared an update, 1 year, 1 month ago
CloudZenix LLC

Where will the cloud be heading in 2023?

Developers and cloud computing, since the beginning, have been intertwined in a symbiotic relationship. As competitiveness in the realm of IT is increasing with every passing day, organizations are expanding their horizons to enhance productivity and efficiency. Cloud migration across countless industry verticals has been relentless due to flexibility, economy, and scalability.

After heading into 2023, we understand that the cost of cloud will skyrocket in the coming days. In addition, the disruptive volatility in the overall economy will add fire to gasoline due to the constant shifts in IT. Cloud providers are being open about how the cost of adapting cloud technology is getting out of hand.

Cloud services for the general public are reaching the $600 Billion mark. Jason Fried, CEO of, Basecamp, said the increase in the cost is due to people hoarding the space in the cloud ‘just in case.’ By the looks of it, ‘just in case’ is why time, energy, and resources are laid to go down to waste. Read more:

@bernardhalas shared an update, 1 year, 5 months ago
Founder, Berops

K8s cluster with each nodepool in a different provider

Claudie is an automation for spawning (and managing) multi-cloud clusters. It offers a vendor-lock free deployment and migration from one provider to another under full production load.

News FAUN Team
@eon01 shared an update, 1 year, 5 months ago
Founder, FAUN

Humans Behind Code: Featuring Developers behind awesome projects!

Announcing Humans Behind Code, a project by FAUN.

Humans Behind Code
News Mia-Platform Team
@louiswand shared an update, 1 year, 5 months ago
Marketing, Mia-Platform

Mia-Platform at KCD

Mia-Platform is sponsoring at KCD London on the 22nd -23rd November

KCD event image