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@veljkoristic shared a post, 9 months, 1 week ago
Content Manager, Mailtrap

Creating a WordPress Contact Form – Complete Guide

I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse. 🐈 I’ll tell you how to create a WordPress contact form, covering every imaginable detail, and making sure you won’t be reading only code and industry jargon. So, this article is suitable for beginners and those who already have some experience and wish to get..

@veljkoristic shared a post, 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Content Manager, Mailtrap

Salesforce Apps to Keep Under Your Radar

Salesforce Apps, available through the Salesforce Appexchange, serve a diverse array of business services to help enhance your admins’ operational efficiency. 

Among the multitude of functionalities, the role of email infrastructure stands out as integral. And it touches upon critical aspects of your email flows, including: 

- Synchronization 

- Analytics 

- Templates 

- Campaigns 

- Security

- Compliance

- Document generation and validation 

To explain it a bit simpler, Salesforce is about the seamless integration of email communication with customer data. In turn, you get to have personalized interactions with your clients. Also, you get to make informed business decisions based on those interactions. 

All things considered, it’s safe to say that the existence and usability of these apps also helped with widespread Salesforce adoption. 

Speculations aside, we delve into some of the most effective Salesforce applications for various components of your email infrastructure. So, let’s dive right in. 

Story Mailtrap Team
@veljkoristic shared a post, 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Content Manager, Mailtrap

The Ultimate Guide to Mailchimp Transactional Email Alternatives

I took the time to test out Mailchimp Transactional Email alternatives so I’ll give you a detailed guide through the top contenders and what to look for when migrating from Mandrill. The main focus is on email delivery services that can provide reliable inbox placement. But as a lot of contenders ev..
