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Announcing FAUN Jobs

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FAUN Jobs is the new job board for developers and software engineers. Anyone with an active account on FAUN can create and post jobs for absolutely FREE.

With thousands of subscribers, visitors, and followers, your job will surely get the attention of several FAUNers (FAUN members) and even visitors who are not necessarily part of the community.

The job board is open for all sorts of software engineering jobs:

  • DevOps professionals and specialists
  • Network and system engineers
  • Python developers
  • Golang developers
  • Blockchain developers
  • and so on!

It's also open for all job types:

  • Contracts
  • Freelance
  • Full time
  • Part time
  • Internship
  • Remote
  • Onsite
  • Hybrid (remote and onsite)
  • ..etc

You just need to fill out the job form et voilà; your listing is shared on our website.

Start posting your first job here, it's totally FREE!

Only registered users can post comments. Please, login or signup.

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Aymen El Amri

Founder, FAUN

Founder of FAUN, author, maker, trainer, and polymath software engineer (DevOps, CloudNative, CloudComputing, Python, NLP)
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