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@suaybsimsek58 ・ Jan 18,2022 ・ 6 min read ・ 3263 views ・ Originally posted on
Hello everyone, through this article series we will the Hyperledger Fabric integration with Spring Boot.In this article, we will look into ordered. Also,I will also explain how to deploy orderer service on Kubernetes.
Other articles on Hyperledger Fabric integration with Spring Boot can be accessed from the links below.
Part 2 — Kubernetes Cluster Setup
Part 4 — Generating Certificates and Artifacts
The Orderer is responsible for packaging transactions into Blocks, and distribute them to Anchor Peers across the network.
The transaction flow of Fabric have the steps Proposal, Packaging and Validation. The orderer is responsible for Packaging and involved in the Validation step for distribution of new blocks on the network.
Ordering service provides a shared communication channel to clients and peers, offering a broadcast service for messages containing transactions. Clients connect to the channel and may broadcast messages on the channel which are then delivered to all peers. The channel supports atomic delivery of all messages, that is, message communication with total-order delivery and (implementation specific) reliability. In other words, the channel outputs the same messages to all connected peers and outputs them to all peers in the same logical order.
Ordering service is not capable of transaction validations, it’s primary goal to provide total order for transactions published, cut blocks with ordered transactions.
Ordering Service Implementations
While every ordering service currently available handles transactions and configuration updates the same way, there are nevertheless several different implementations for achieving consensus on the strict ordering of transactions between ordering service nodes
New as of v1.4.1, Raft is a crash fault tolerant (CFT) ordering service based on an implementation of Raft protocol in etcd
Raft follows a “leader and follower” model, where a leader node is elected (per channel) and its decisions are replicated by the followers.
Raft ordering services should be easier to set up and manage than Kafka-based ordering services, and their design allows different organizations to contribute nodes to a distributed ordering service.
Similar to Raft-based ordering, Apache Kafka is a CFT implementation that uses a “leader and follower” node configuration.
Kafka utilizes a ZooKeeper ensemble for management purposes. Asset transfer projesinde kafka kullanıyoruz.We will use kafka.
Solo (deprecated in v2.x)
The Solo implementation of the ordering service is intended for test only and consists only of a single ordering node.It has been deprecated and may be removed entirely in a future release.
Existing users of Solo should move to a single node Raft network for equivalent function.
Installation of Orderer on Kubernetes
For the asset transfer project, we will set up kafka and zookeeper to run 5 pods on kubernetes.
Let’s open the project we downloaded from this link and go to the directory where the k8s is located.
Kafka and Zookeeper Deployment
Let’s create a deployment for each orderer.
The yaml files that create it are in the following directory in the project below.
.In other orderers, this value is assigned to orderer2,orderer3,orderer4.
will provide stable storage using PersistentVolumes provisioned by a PersistentVolume Provisioner.It should be the same as the pvc metadata name.This value is assigned the same for each orderer.
The Orderer container mounts the PV at /organizations for certificates.
The Orderer container mounts the PV at /system-genesis-block for genesis block. It needs a genesis block.
The Orderer container mounts the PV at /var/hyperledger/production/orderer for orderer persistence data. This data will be kept in state/orderer sub directory on nfs server.
The persistence data of other orderers are also kept in subdirectories such as state/orderer2, state/orderer5 on the nfs server.
when a container get in the ready state, kubernetes starts to route traffic to the relavent pod. But the pod in the container may not be ready to accept traffic. Therefore, we need to specify “liveness” and “readiness” probes for applications in order kubernetes to do this process more efficiently.
Kubelet will check whether the container is alive and healthy by sending requests to the /healthz path on port 9443
and expect a success result code.
2.3 is assigned as Hyperledger fabric orderer docker image version.
Set imagePullPolicy
to IfNotPresent
or Never
and pre-pull: Pull manually images on each cluster node so the latest is cached, then do a kubectl rolling-update
or similar to restart Pods.
The following environment variables are assigned for orderer.
ORDERER_GENERAL_GENESISFILE: path to genesis file path
ORDERER_GENERAL_LOCALMSPDIR: MSPDir is the filesystem path which contains the MSP configuration
ORDERER_GENERAL_TLS_ENABLED: enable TLS with client authentication.
ORDERER_GENERAL_TLS_PRIVATEKEY: fully qualified path of the file that contains the server private key
ORDERER_GENERAL_TLS_CERTIFICATE: fully qualified path of the file that contains the server certificate
ORDERER_GENERAL_TLS_ROOTCAS : fully qualified path of the file that contains the certificate chain of the CA that issued TLS server certificate
ORDERER_GENERAL_GENESISMETHOD: file is used when you want provide the genesis block as file to the container
ORDERER_GENERAL_TLS_CLIENTROOTCAS: fully qualified path of the file that contains the certificate chain of the CA that issued TLS server certificate
CONFIGTX_ORDERER_ORDERERTYPE: The orderer implementation to start.Available types are solo,kafka and etcdraft.
ORDERER_KAFKA_RETRY_SHORTINTERVAL: The order node may fail to connect kafka_ kafka_ RETRY_ Shortentreval is the interval between retries.
ORDERER_KAFKA_RETRY_SHORTTOTAL: Total number of retries.
CONFIGTX_ORDERER_KAFKA_BROKERS:Instructs Orderer how to get in touch with Kafka.
ORDERER_GENERAL_LISTENPORT: This value is the port that the orderer listens to.
ORDERER_KAFKA_RETRY_SHORTINTERVAL:orderer node may fail to connect to kafka, This value is the retry interval. kafka service name
9092:kafka service port
orderer metrics will be dump on the below port.
Orderer Service
Let’s create a service for orderer.
The yaml files that create it are in the following directory in the project below.
This specification creates a new Service object named “orderer”.The Service for orderer 5, named orderer5
.In other orderers, this value is assigned to orderer2,orderer3,orderer4.
targetPort: container port.7050 is assigned.
port: kubernetes service port.7050 is assigned.
A new service has been created object named “orderer-metrics” to retrieve orderer metric information.The metric service for orderer 5, named orderer5-metrics
The target port 9444 is the container metric portit has an open port 9444.
Service maps port 9444
of the container to the node’s external IP:Port
for all containers with the labels app:orderer.
My article ends here. In general,I introduced orderer and explained the deployment of orderer on Kubernetes.
See you in the next articles.
Deploy Orderer on Kubernetes
Let’s connect to the kubernetes master node virtual machine with the vagrant ssh command.
Let’s go to the directory where the kubernetes installation scripts are located.This directory is the same as the deploy/k8s folder in the project. With Vagrant, this directory is synchronized to the virtual machine.
Deploying the deployments,services for orderer.
Orderer creation pending completion.
Orderer created successfully.
Finally, let’s check the conditions of the pods we run from the lens ide.
Finally, let’s check the conditions of the pods we run from the lens ide.
The state of orderer pods appear to be running.
My article ends here. In general,I introduced Orderer and explained the deployment of these tools on Kubernetes.
See you in the next articles.
Project Links
Spring Boot Hlf Starter Project details and installation can be accessed via this link.
Asset Transfer Project details and installation can be accessed via this link
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