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@gasangw started using tool JavaScript Infovis Toolkit , 6 days, 4 hours ago.
@zipprr started using tool JavaScript Infovis Toolkit , 1 month ago.
@iraqwebdesign started using tool JavaScript Infovis Toolkit , 10 months, 3 weeks ago.
@marthasnooper started using tool JavaScript Infovis Toolkit , 11 months ago.
@utsavpoudel started using tool JavaScript Infovis Toolkit , 1 year, 11 months ago.
@tutorialboy24 shared a post, 2 years, 5 months ago

Turning cookie based XSS into account takeover

EpilogueI reported the exploitation scenario and was rewarded €500, as the impact was high. Be patient, don’t give up, and think out of the box. In this case, I used the company’s service to exploit the bug.Source :-

@paramsingh1303 started using tool JavaScript Infovis Toolkit , 2 years, 6 months ago.
@boldlink shared a post, 2 years, 6 months ago
AWS DevOps Consultancy, Boldlink

Hybrid Cloud — Pros and Cons

What is Hybrid Cloud?A hybrid cloud refers to mixed computing, storage, and service environment that runs on private cloud services, public cloud services and on-premise infrastructure. With a hybrid cloud, you can take advantage of each delivery method while mitigating the risks of choosing just on..

Cloud 3.jpg
@truthmedia started using tool JavaScript Infovis Toolkit , 2 years, 8 months ago.
@jaafarmelhem started using JavaScript Infovis Toolkit , 3 years ago.
@akash2662 started using JavaScript Infovis Toolkit , 3 years, 2 months ago.
@uttamrao9765 started using JavaScript Infovis Toolkit , 3 years, 3 months ago.