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@shurup shared a post, 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Nelm as a viable Helm replacement

Nelmis emerging as a promising alternative to Helm. It is a part of a bigger CNCF project calledwerf, which aims to improve your Kubernetes-based CI/CD. Being backward-compatible with Helm, Nelm comes with significant improvements and new features that pull your deployment experience ahead. Learn m..

Nelm as Helm alternative
@shurup shared a post, 5 months, 1 week ago

werf v2: how this CI/CD tool evolved and why it came up with Nelm instead of Helm

werf is a CLI tool for CI/CD created in 2016 and a CNCF Sandbox project since 2022. It implements opinionated CI/CD in Kubernetes with your favourite CI system. Starting from werf v2, it uses Nelm instead of Helm to deploy container images.

werf v2 release and evolution with Helm
@shurup started using tool werf , 11 months, 2 weeks ago.
@arttwink started using tool werf , 11 months, 3 weeks ago.