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@faun shared a link, 1 year, 10 months ago

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Story Trending Palark Team
@shurup shared a post, 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Latest news from KubeCon NA 2024 about CNCF projects

Significant releases included Jaeger v2 and Prometheus 3.0. Two projects (Dapr and cert-manager) became Graduated. New certifications for Backstage, OpenTelemetry, and Kyverno were announced...

KubeCon North America 2024
@shurup shared a post, 6 months, 1 week ago

Nelm as a viable Helm replacement

Nelmis emerging as a promising alternative to Helm. It is a part of a bigger CNCF project calledwerf, which aims to improve your Kubernetes-based CI/CD. Being backward-compatible with Helm, Nelm comes with significant improvements and new features that pull your deployment experience ahead. Learn m..

Nelm as Helm alternative
@shurup shared a post, 8 months ago

werf v2: how this CI/CD tool evolved and why it came up with Nelm instead of Helm

werf is a CLI tool for CI/CD created in 2016 and a CNCF Sandbox project since 2022. It implements opinionated CI/CD in Kubernetes with your favourite CI system. Starting from werf v2, it uses Nelm instead of Helm to deploy container images.

werf v2 release and evolution with Helm
Story Mia-Platform Team
@louiswand shared a post, 2 years, 1 month ago
Marketing, Mia-Platform

Cloud Sustainability and the path to green software

In an increasingly sustainability‑conscious world, cloud software, services, and infrastructure are no longer evaluated only in terms of performance, resilience, scalability, and reliability, but also according to their environmental impact. So, considering cloud sustainability means tools impact on the environment needs to be observed.

Kube-Green Logo.png
@joseadanof shared a post, 3 years, 7 months ago

Cloud Native Free Training and Certifications

Below, I have prepared a list of free trainings from some organizations that are supporting the projects of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation:

Link Palark Team
@shurup shared a link, 5 months ago

13 new projects in CNCF Sandbox from 2023: Clusternet, PipeCD, Microcks, KubeClipper, and more

Learn about Inspektor Gadget for debugging apps in K8s; Headlamp Kubernetes UI; Kepler for evaluating energy consumption; SlimToolkit to optimize containers; SOPS to manage secrets; Clusternet to simplify access to many clusters; Eraser to delete vulnerable images; PipeCD to deploy across different environments; Microcks to generate API mocks; kpt to handle configurations in WYSIWYG; HwameiStor storage for K8s; Xline distributed KV store; and KubeClipper to manage Kubernetes easily.

New CNCF Sandbox projects in 2013