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@faun shared a link, 1 year, 1 month ago

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@prathamesh-sonpatki shared a link, 10 months, 3 weeks ago
SRE, - A glossary of all terms related to Observability, starting from A to Z!

The inspiration for this project started from the desire to understand and document terms and concepts related to Observability in one single place... read more  

@mohammad_zaigam shared a link, 1 year ago
Technical Solutions Specialist,

Federated Observability: The Key to Achieving Business Agility

Organizations prioritize observability solutions to tackle rising cloud expenses and pinpoint underlying factors responsible for cost increases.

LOGIQ.AI provides topology-based federated observability, enabling organizations to achieve full-stack visibility, find root causes of problems quickly, and prevent issues before they become costly.

The benefits of federated observability include improved scalability, enhanced security, better collaboration, greater flexibility, increased cost-effectiveness, and improved decision-making.

Logiq is developing an observability maturity model to help organizations achieve open observability, offering tools that simplify data analysis and handling while leveraging existing teams.

Federated Observability: The Key to Achieving Business Agility