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@erselankhan ・ Jan 21,2022 ・ 2 min read ・ 1576 views ・ Originally posted on
Today we will show you how we can use different types of Loops in the Kotlin programming language.
But before moving forward, I would like to ask you to please follow my medium account to get the latest updates about Android and other tech-related topics and also check out my previous part of this series here Link.
What is Loop?
In computer programming, a loop is a sequence of instructions that is repeated until a certain condition is reached. Programmers use loops to cycle through values, add sums of numbers, repeat functions, and many other things.
Kotlin: 🖖
In the case of the Kotlin programming language, we can use a loop in four different ways:
Let’s write some code examples in the Kotlin programming language:
1. For Loop (using in keyword):
In the above example, we are using range expression. The above for loop prints the line by 6 times as we define the range from 0 to 5.
2. For Loop (using until keyword):
In the above example, we are using the range expression keyword i.e until. The above for loop prints the line by 5 times, that's means it excludes 5 from the loop as it’s the end element.
3. Foreach Loop:
we can define a foreach loop like above in Kotlin. In our first example, we are using the forEach to iterate each of the elements inside the list. In our second example, we are using the traditional way of iterating elements in Kotlin.
4. While Loop:
In our above example, we are using the while loop. While loop checks the condition each time, and if the condition is not satisfied then it breaks the loop. We are printing the line 5 times as the condition will not be satisfied on (0>0) and eventually, it breaks the while loop.
Here is the full example:
That’s it for now. I will cover more topics on Android, Java, Kotlin, and Springboot in my upcoming articles.
In case you missed: 🤐
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(Again, the source for this demo is on Follow me for more content about Android, Kotlin, and other technologies. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask me here or email me at and I’ll do my best to respond.)
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