Latest news from KubeCon NA 2024 about CNCF projects
Significant releases included Jaeger v2 and Prometheus 3.0. Two projects (Dapr and cert-manager) became Graduated. New certifications for Backstage, OpenTelemetry, and Kyverno were announced...
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Significant releases included Jaeger v2 and Prometheus 3.0. Two projects (Dapr and cert-manager) became Graduated. New certifications for Backstage, OpenTelemetry, and Kyverno were announced...
OpenTofu is an Open Source, community-backed fork of Terraform launched in 2023 to address HashiCorp's license change. Today, it is not only maintained as a vendor-neutral project but also offers several new features that might be helpful for any engineer following the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) a..
This overview lists and describes Open Source tools for Kubernetes administrators interested in leveraging AI for their everyday needs. They include K8sGPT (a CNCF project), Kubernetes ChatGPT bot by Robusta, kube-copilot, and a few kubectl plugins (such as kubectl-ai and kubectl-gpt).Learn about th..