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@faun shared a link, 1 year, 1 month ago

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@faun shared a link, 27 minutes ago

Cloud Run and Cloud Storage…now a perfect match

This article describes the recent feature enhancement to Cloud Run allowing Cloud Storage bucket to be mounted as a Container volume. With the introduction of Cloud Storage mounts in Cloud Run, you can now mount Cloud Storage buckets as volumes within Cloud Run containers without utilizing additiona..

Cloud Run and Cloud Storage…now a perfect match
@faun shared a link, 27 minutes ago

How Ahrefs gets a Billion dollar-worth infrastructure with a 90% discount

AWS OnDemand vs AWS Reserved Instances: The infrastructure costs can skyrocket with AWS OnDemand, while switching to a serverless architecture can cut costs significantly. The potential for cost savings with AWS serverless setups is clear. It's important to carefully consider all options to optimize..

How Ahrefs gets a Billion dollar-worth infrastructure with a 90% discount
@faun shared a link, 27 minutes ago

Distributed Tracing for Distributed System: Save Your Time & Company

Nowadays, one should absolutely respect these rules: 1) Building a microservice distributed system without proper monitoring/observability tools can be challenging as it may be hard to identify the root cause of bottlenecks. 2) Understanding the basics of distributed systems, such as how they consis..

Distributed Tracing for Distributed System: Save Your Time & Company
@faun shared a link, 49 minutes ago

Scaling PHP Applications with RoadRunner

Application servers like RoadRunner use long-lived PHP processes to handle multiple requests without constantly bootstrapping new execution environments, reducing overhead and improving performance. This tutorial will guide you through developing a PHP application on RoadRunner, explaining its setup..

Scaling PHP Applications with RoadRunner
@faun shared a link, 49 minutes ago

Distributed Circuit Breakers in Event-Driven Architectures on AWS

Understand how circuit breakers work in event-driven architectures, including the stateful checks and handling of slow requests. Implementations in serverless architectures, like using Elasticache for state storage, are discussed. Recommended resources for further reading and considerations for high..

Distributed Circuit Breakers in Event-Driven Architectures on AWS
@faun shared a link, 49 minutes ago

Building a GitOps CI/CD Pipeline with GitHub Actions (SOC 2)

This guide details a GitOps-based CI/CD pipeline on GitHub Actions for SOC 2 compliance, with an emphasis on simplicity and developer experience. The workflow includes automated testing, artifact publishing, and infrastructure deployment controlled through pull requests...

Building a GitOps CI/CD Pipeline with GitHub Actions (SOC 2)
@faun shared a link, 49 minutes ago

Optimize Kubernetes Pods’ Startup Time Using VolumeSnapshots

Pod startup time is crucial for application performance and user experience. This blog post details how VolumeSnapshots were used to reduce startup times by 83% in AWS environments at Riskified. VolumeSnapshot is a Kubernetes feature that captures and restores application volumes, improving applicat..

Optimize Kubernetes Pods’ Startup Time Using VolumeSnapshots
@squadcast shared a post, a minute ago

How to Use Observability Tools to Set SLOs for Kubernetes Applications

This blog post explores how to use observability tools to set and maintain Service Level Objectives (SLOs) for Kubernetes applications. Understanding the difference between SLOs, SLIs, and SLAs is crucial. The best observability tools for Kubernetes include Prometheus, Grafana, and Jaeger. These tools help you collect metrics, visualize data, and trace requests to set SLOs and troubleshoot performance issues. The key steps to using observability tools effectively involve observing your service's behavior, setting thresholds and error budgets for SLOs, and updating SLOs as your system evolves. By following these steps, you can ensure your Kubernetes applications meet performance and availability targets.

@laura_garcia shared a post, 9 minutes ago
Software Developer, RELIANOID

B2B Online Chicago starting today!

- Join us at B2B Online - the ultimate 3-day event for B2B pros in manufacturing and distribution! Elevate your eCommerce, omni-channel, and digital marketing game with industry leaders. Plus, RELIANOID brings expert B2B relationship insights! Don't miss out! #B2BOnline #Manufacturing #Distribution ..

b2b online chicago RELIANOID
@laura_garcia shared a post, 9 minutes ago
Software Developer, RELIANOID

Techprompts article about Cybersecurity Solutions

Our#Cybersecuritysolutions have been highlighted by Techprompts magazine. Thank you so much! #ApplicationSecurity#Cybersecurity#DigitalTransformation#MFA#MultiFactorAuthentication#WAF#WebApplicationFirewall#LoadBalancers#DDoSProtection#D..

techprompts article RELIANOID