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@faun shared a link, 1 year ago

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@bandarcemeonline started using tool Yoast SEO , 12 hours, 4 minutes ago.
@lia801074950668 created an organization ADUHOKI77 , 15 hours, 53 minutes ago.
@prathamesh-sonpatki shared a link, 1 day ago

Everything in software monitoring is dead, apparently

Everything in software monitoring is dead, apparently
@squadcast shared a post, 1 day ago

How Incident Management Software Can Help You Conduct Better Root Cause Analysis

Incident management software can improve root cause analysis (RCA) by storing all data (logs, alerts, communication) in one place. This saves time and allows for faster identification of root causes through automatic data analysis. Traditional RCA methods are manual and slow, with scattered information and inconsistent results. The article recommends Squadcast, an incident management solution with built-in RCA features like collaboration tools, actionable reports, and a searchable RCA repository.

Squadcast Incident Management software