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@faun shared a link, 1 year, 9 months ago

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@eon01 shared a post, 3 years, 3 months ago
Founder, FAUN

Why Golang Is Widely Used in the DevOps and Cloud Native Space?

The Golang programming language has been rising to popularity in the DevOps community in recent years. The programming language happens to solve most problems DevOps professionals face with other programming languages.

The reasons and statistics of the increasing adoption are discussed in this article.

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@eon01 shared a post, 3 years, 4 months ago
Founder, FAUN

Takeaways from The State of Containers and Kubernetes Security

Securing containers and Kubernetes environments is a matter of grave concern for organizations that invested in cloud-native applications. These concerns have shaken the confidence of developer communities and organizations advocating the use of Kubernetes in production. Many organizations are already delaying production deployments of their applications to give app sec teams more time to test the waters.
