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@denyskontorskyy shared a post, 1 year ago
Technical Content Writer

Telnet Basics for SMTP Testing: A Step-by-Step Guide

This guide delves into the fundamentals of using Telnet for SMTP testing. It offers a thorough walkthrough on setting it up across various operating systems and exploring alternative methods essential for network administrators. Why Use Telnet for Email Testing? Telnet emerges as a valuable tool if ..

@obedrina shared a post, 1 year, 1 month ago
Content Marketing Manager, Semaphore

Test-Driven Development (TDD): A Time-Tested Recipe for Quality Software

What is Test-Driven Development (TDD)? Explore its history, relationship to testing, and the benefits you can get from it.

test driven development
@godfryd shared a post, 3 years ago
software engineer, Graphcore

What is Wrong with Your Testing?

Kraken CI is a new Continuous Integration tool. It is a modern, open-source, on-premise CI/CD system that is highly scalable and focused on testing. It is licensed under Apache 2.0 license. Its source code is available on Kraken CI GitHub page.

@muhammadali642 shared a post, 3 years, 1 month ago

6 testing types, every developer should understand

If you Google testing types in software engineering, you’ll certainly end with a list of hundreds of tests. We are sure not all of them will be useful for you. There are also some testing types that have two or three names and some others are very similar even if they have different names.

@obedrina shared a post, 3 years, 2 months ago
Content Marketing Manager, Semaphore

Gleb Bahmutov on Why Testing Pyramid Makes Little Sense

In this podcast episode, we welcome Gleb Bahmutov, Senior Director of Engineering at Mercari. We talk about about Gleb’s engineering experience at and Mercari US, discuss the testing pyramid and why it makes little sense, and talk about what we can use instead.

Gleb Bahmutov on testing pyramid
@roes shared a post, 3 years, 3 months ago

Why We Need Separate Development, Testing And Staging Environments

Historically, testing environments were often located in buildings that were separate from regular office buildings. This arrangement, where the test environment was in a separate building (or even an entire floor in one building), allowed developers to run simulations of their systems without inter..

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@jessiehernandez shared a post, 3 years, 4 months ago
Cloud Architect

The Way to Testing Mastery, Part 1: Rise

The ultimate guide to writing great unit tests that will improve your code quality

“When I master testing, will I get to dodge bugs?” Jessie: “No, when you master testing, you won’t have to”