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@gpetrousov shared a post, 1 year, 5 months ago
PetrouSoft - a Hacker's mindset company

I joined Container Days 2022

Here’s what I learned

@boldlink shared a post, 1 year, 6 months ago
AWS DevOps Consultancy, Boldlink

IaC Security and Compliance Tools

IaC scanning tools are crucial to engineering your platform’s code securely and following your organization’s compliance and best practices by creating and enforcing the rules, through code allowing you to automate and integrate these into your software development lifecycle (SLDC).A good engineerin..

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@okzapradhana shared a post, 1 year, 6 months ago
Data Engineer, DANA

Introduction to Docker and Kubernetes: Part I

Few explanations about Docker, differences between Image and Container and Overview of Kubernetes Concept

@apotitech shared a post, 1 year, 7 months ago
CEO, apotitech

Managing Docker containers using Terraform on Windows 10

Today we will be looking at how to manage Docker containers on W10 using Terraform the IAC tool.

Terraform & Docker on W10
@boldlink shared a post, 1 year, 7 months ago
AWS DevOps Consultancy, Boldlink

What is Amazon DocumentDB?

Amazon DocumentDB is a managed proprietary NoSQL database service that supports document data structures and has limited support for MongoDB workloads, with some compatibility with MongoDB version 3.6 (released by MongoDB in 2017) and version 4.0 (released by MongoDB in 2018). As a document database..

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