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To understand the costs associated with the hundreds of AWS Services available, one must have visibility and an operational overview of the cost of running services. AWS Cost Explorer provides valuable tools and insights to see the cost of running infrastructure in AWS.With the data available with f..
SummaryThe Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) when used with EC2 can power durable, secure, performant applications with unlimited scale. AWS provides six different EBS volumes provisioned with various benchmarks. Before selecting a volume, companies have to assess their needs to make a well-balanced ..
You can add multiple periods if you have a set of start/stop times. Since there are working components to the solution, there is a cost associated with the solution. You can find the complete breakdown of the cost here. However, given the savings you can generate this solution will pay for itself an..
AWS Compute Optimizer Provides details on exactly which infrastructure is overprovisioned in the EC2 instance (Compute, Storage, network requirements, etc.) and provides you with recommendations regarding the new target instance type.You can get a complete picture of the risk of migration (what sort..
You will start to see the instance show up in AWS in the ECS console. You are not just centralizing your container workloads management, you are also centralizing the monitoring and alerting of these systems (with AWS Cloudwatch) further reducing the management overhead and total ToC for your organi..
Amazon DocumentDB is a managed proprietary NoSQL database service that supports document data structures and has limited support for MongoDB workloads, with some compatibility with MongoDB version 3.6 (released by MongoDB in 2017) and version 4.0 (released by MongoDB in 2018). As a document database..
Over the past years, containerization has increased demand as a powerful solution to application deployment and migration; however, this has not fallen short of challenges; among them security risks.