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@huseyni shared a post, 1 year, 3 months ago
System Engineer, azfiber

What is Git Version Control System

Introduction to version control systems and their importance in software developmentVersion control systems are a crucial tool for any software development project, large or small. They allow developers to track and manage changes to the source code of a project over time, making it easy to revert b..

@olaoluwa shared a post, 2 years, 1 month ago
Backend Developer, internship

Version Control & Collaboration With Git & GitHub

Hello 👋 and welcome, I’m undergoing a refinery process with The Startup Intern. During this process, I’ll be provided with study resources and tasks that will help solidify my learning. On successful completion of this process, I’ll be assigned to an organization as a backend developer intern. Kindly check out The Startup Intern on their website or on Twitter to know more about them and what they do. 🤝

@hemangsinha shared a post, 2 years, 2 months ago

Beginner’s Tool-kit for Git & GitHub

Developers use GitHub to store and manage their codes, as well as track and control changes to the codes they create.

@bellam shared a post, 2 years, 2 months ago

Why should we care about Semantic versioning?

Semver is a specification outlining a method of encoding the nature of change between releases of a “public interface”,

@daloukalai shared a post, 2 years, 3 months ago

GIT — Basic building blocks — Part 1

At present Git is the most used “version control system” in the world, at the same time, a misunderstood and mechanically used tool for many too.
