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@faun shared a link, 1 year, 10 months ago

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@pmartinoli shared a post, 1 year, 7 months ago
Technical Writer, Mia-Platfom

From Data Warehouse to Data Fabric: the Evolution of Data Architecture

How has data architecture evolved over time? How did we move from data warehouse to data fabric? Read the blog post to discover more!

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@pmartinoli shared a post, 1 year, 8 months ago
Technical Writer, Mia-Platfom

Five Key Capabilities You Need in a Data Fabric Solution

What are the benefits of a data fabric solution and what should it provide? Read the article to find out the 5 key capabilities you need!

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@javinpaul shared a post, 2 years, 8 months ago
Blogger, Programmer, Developer

My Favorite Python Courses for Data Science and Machine Learning

Hello folks, if you want to learn Data Science and Machine Learning with Python and looking for the best resources like books and online courses then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I shared the best Python book for Data Science, and today, I am going to share with you the best Python cou..

Python for Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass by Jose Portilla Udemy best course.jpg
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@adhithia shared a post, 3 years ago
MBA Student, IIT Kharagpur - VGSOM

Regression Regularization Techniques — Ridge and Lasso

We talk and hear a lot about Regression everywhere we go. So let us skip that. In this article, we shall assume that we are masters of Regression and we have already completed building a Linear Regression Model on a given dataset.

@data-engineer-365 shared a post, 3 years ago

SQL for Beginners 2022 — A Practical SQL Guide

SQL is one of the most-sought after tech skills in 2022 for data analysis and data engineering.

@aniketkardile shared a post, 3 years ago

Normal Distribution Or Gaussian Distribution In Just 5 Minutes

What is Normal Distribution In Statistics and What is the Empirical Formula?

@thenjikubheka shared a post, 3 years, 1 month ago

Tackling Array and String Interview Questions: Methods and Code

I Will walk you through the array and strings interview questions that may be asked and how to approach these problems, I will do 3 and leave the rest as a challenge.

@thenjikubheka shared a post, 3 years, 1 month ago

Should We Be Paid For Our Data?

We interact with our devices more than we do with our partners, they are our companions. We are manipulated and exploited by algorithms that run these devices, the algorithms are top employees to Big Tech companies! The companies are more interested in our data, this data is either sold off in aggregate to other companies or used to design predictive models and problem-solving models.

As the saying goes; “Data is the new oil” or is it?

@siglimumuni shared a post, 3 years, 2 months ago

10 Essential Python Libraries for Data Professionals

Indispensable additions to your Python toolkit

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@thenjikubheka shared a post, 3 years, 2 months ago

Recursion Simplified

At first look, the above picture looks like a tree data structure, which it is but we not discussing Trees today but the magic tool known as recursion.
