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@thenjikubheka shared a post, 3 years, 3 months ago

My Machine Learning Roadmap

I started off learning mathematics before code, there are various applications of mathematics. Particularly Applied Mathematics which led me to computer science, and most recently machine learning.

@victoriamaslova shared a post, 3 years, 3 months ago

Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization of Gradient Boosting Machine

In this article we will walk through automated hyperparameter tuning using Bayesian Optimization. Specifically, we will optimize the hyperparameters of a Gradient Boosting Machine using the Hyperopt library (with the Tree Parzen Estimator algorithm).

@adesinaabdulra9 shared a post, 3 years, 3 months ago

Real-Time Messaging Spam Detection With Machine Learning in Python

In this tutorial, you’re going to build a real time spam detection web application. This application will be built with Python using the Flask framework and will include a machine learning model that you will train to detect SMS spam.

Story The Chief I/O Team
@mariah shared a post, 3 years, 5 months ago
Content & Community, FAUN

MLOps vs AIOps

There is a tendency to confuse MLOps and AIOps. While there are some common characteristics between the two, MLOps and AIOps are two different domains, are applied differently, and serve different goals.

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@mariah shared a post, 3 years, 8 months ago
Content & Community, FAUN

Top 7 Open Source AIOps Tools

AIOps is the use of artificial intelligence to make IT operations management simple, accelerate the time to solve IT operations problems by automating their resolution. This post lists the most popular AIOps open source tools.

Story Trending The Chief I/O Team
@mariah shared a post, 3 years, 8 months ago
Content & Community, FAUN

How Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are Disrupting DevOps

Many IT teams are currently working on digital transformation projects. After all, companies want to benefit from current technologies such as the cloud, machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT).
