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@faun shared a link, 1 year, 1 month ago

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DevSecOps Weekly Newsletter, Zeno. Curated DevSecOps news, tutorials, tools and more - Join thousands of other readers, 100% free, unsubscribe anytime. 

@andrelucastic shared a post, 1 year, 6 months ago
Software Enginner

Difference between Architecture and Design

ConclusionCode design is how the application code structure will be implemented, how will be the responsibilities for each class, the domain in your application, how the modules will be structured, and will be the communication between modules layers.Architecture plan the segregation (if necessary) ..

@acouedelo shared a post, 2 years, 3 months ago

How to Get Started with Chaos Engineering? — Preparing for Major Disruption

When starting with Choas Engineering I recommend starting with the most critical scenarios (Severity 1) because they lead to the most improvement for your company. For instance, they force you to lay the foundation for incident response and incident management.Next are the steps you should follow to..

Mac explosion
@brohishazad shared a post, 2 years, 5 months ago
Senior Software Engineer, Apple

Accelerating Developer Productivity via GitOps

Through deployment of a GitOps model, developers can delivery self-reconciliation and self-healing across Kubernetes clusters, without using a CI/CD system, and scale horizontally at massive scale.

Below I provide a walkthrough of GitOps from a 50,000 ft. view.

@thenjikubheka shared a post, 2 years, 5 months ago

How Tik Tok’s Engineering Works

Tik tok is one of the most popular social media platforms amongst generation Z. With over 2.3 billion all-time downloads and over 1.5 billion active monthly users, how does it work?

Story FAUN Team
@eon01 shared a post, 2 years, 8 months ago
Founder, FAUN

Xenilla Newsletter: The Developer's Reference for Everything Blockchain

We’re launching a new FAUN weekly newsletter dedicated to the Blockchain ecosystem.
