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AI Weekly Newsletter, Kala. Curated AI news, tutorials, tools and more - Join thousands of other readers, 100% free, unsubscribe anytime.
The final step is to use the information gathered and distinguish the different types of steps in the process. You distinguish the valued step from the rest at that step. With this information at hand, you can create measures of the processes that will serve as references.Value added task: product o..
Hello Devs, There is no doubt that Microsoft Excel is a popular tool. You can use this for quick data analysis, calculation and reporting. Just knowing simple things like VLOOKUP and removing duplicates can help a lot. If you want to learn Microsoft Excel, a productivity tool for IT professionals, a..
When starting with Choas Engineering I recommend starting with the most critical scenarios (Severity 1) because they lead to the most improvement for your company. For instance, they force you to lay the foundation for incident response and incident management.Next are the steps you should follow to..
In the first article we brushed on quantum computing basics, in this edition we will explore types of qubits.
Quantum computers are quite thoroughgoing in how they approach the problem solving dynamic. Quantum computers shy away from the traditional transistor methodology and opt for spins.
Explore one of the most iconic Lean tools, namely the 5S method. 5S is a lean manufacturing improvement program that aims to organize the workplace to optimism its utility and reduce waste. You can very simply use the 5S approach to reorganize teams and projects more productively.
In this article we want to develop a neural network that can measure a simulated qubit and return the correct value between 0 or 1.
Tik tok is one of the most popular social media platforms amongst generation Z. With over 2.3 billion all-time downloads and over 1.5 billion active monthly users, how does it work?
You have survived the learning how to “code stage”, the “job seeking stage”, the horrible interviews and finally time to prove yourself.